December Industry News from WardWilliams Creative

Destination Christmas

Creative Shootout finalists announced

DonThe Creative Shootout Logoe in 60 Seconds

Six leading PR agencies have made it through to the live Final of the first ever Creative Shootout, to be held at The China Exchange in Soho, London, on 21st January 2016.

The new format creativity competition, designed to test the creative mettle of PR agencies and in-house teams live, launched back in September.  Focusing on the PR sector in year one, The Creative Shootout is done in a single day – with the winning team’s idea going to first year charity associate, Unicef UK.

Agencies entered by giving the judges a ‘60 second’ submission (in whatever format they liked) on why they have the creative horsepower for Unicef UK.  Finalists shortlisted are:

Bottle PR

Dynamo PR

Frank PR



TVC Group

On the day, they’ll receive a real brief in the morning from Unicef UK, pitch it back to judges and a live audience in the afternoon – and in the evening, one winner and runner-up will be crowned at an after party.  Viewing the live Final is free, and all tickets, including paid-for after party tickets can be secured at

Party with Golborne

If you’re stuck for Christmas or New Years Eve party ideas keep an eye on WardWilliams Creative client Golborne Events for the latest in venues and trends.

Image courtesy of Golborne Events


The force is strong in London

Star Wars: the force awakens in London as thousands descend on premiere

Stormtroopers, Jedi knights and stars new and old mingle on red carpet at Leicester Square for spectacular European premiere

Uber Facebook

In Facebook’s first foray into the transportation business, the firm has agreed to work with Uber to allow users to hail Uber cabs directly from the Messenger app.

Tax Returns

Before you tuck into Christmas remember that personal tax returns are due on 31st January.

This is an important final deadline for online returns and to pay any tax due.  Make sure you get yours in early, don’t leave it until the 30th January to be hit with an unexpected bill the very next day, no one wants to start the year that way.  If you have any questions or concerns get in touch with a WardWilliams Creative adviser.

And finally, all of us at WardWilliams Creative would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

ALJ Photography Winter

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