January News – Tax reminder, Creative Shootout and Games London

Last reminder for Tax Returns

The biggest loudest shout this month is for the end of year tax return.  End of year returns and payments must be made by 31st January for financial year 2014-2015. Make sure you give us a call if you are in any doubt to avoid fines.

Creative Shootout Finalist Announced

We had the pleasure of attending the very first Creative Shootout finals last Thursday at The China Exchange in Soho.  Our director and founder Erin Achilleas-Walls was on the judging panel and had the tough job of helping to choose a winner.  Watching those six live pitches, all vying to to win the Unicef campaign, was a novel experience. Despite it being a competition at heart, there was real camaraderie in the room and support for an important cause. Huge congratulations to Mischief PR who won the campaign with their idea of an alternative birthday to highlight the excesses we take for granted and to honour all the children who do celebrate their special day, as many do not know when their birthday is.

mischief winners

Games London to Celebrate Britain’s Game Business

A new initiative to promote the UK’s games sector and turn London into the world games capital has been announced by industry leaders with backing from the Mayor of London.

Ukie, the association for interactive entertainment companies, has partnered with Film London to develop the three-year programme with £1.2 million investment from the Mayor of London.

Do you want me to write about you?

If any clients would like their business or new product featured in the WardWilliams Creative monthly blog please get in touch with me, [email protected], I’d love to hear from you.

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