Ward Williams Coronavirus Business Continuity Plan

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Updated 9th June 2020

The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to dominate the news, with major implications for public health and the NHS. It is also causing economic disruption and we want to reassure you we have put in place sensible measures to ensure that Ward Williams is well prepared and well positioned to continue to provide our services.

So, we’d like to explain what we’re doing to keep you safe and for the business to be able to run efficiently. We would like to make you aware of the below points:

Remote working & returning to the workplace

The majority of Ward Williams staff will continue to work remotely. We already operate an agile working policy, which means our staff have the ability to work from home and can access our systems in a secure IT environment.

We have received a couple of requests from staff to return to the workplace for personal reasons. Ward Williams recognises that our organisation needs to offer our staff a safe environment in order to return to the office.  Therefore, in response, we have set up a COVI19 taskforce to manage weekly office risk assessments and the health and safety of all staff within the workplace.

If you would like more information on these measures, please email: [email protected].

Access to office & meetings

  • If you need to drop off or collect records please contact your usual Ward Williams contact and we will make arrangements.
  • Due to the limited access to the office, we would like to make you aware we have video conferencing facilities should you wish to make alternative arrangements to meetings.
  • Please try to avoid sending cheques, instead you can make payments over the phone (01932 830 664) / BACS.
  • We will assume unless we hear from you we have permission to open and scan your post. This will avoid any delay in the receipt of private post.

Your office contact will remain the same and will operate usual office hours and will be fully contactable by telephone and email.

Government assistance for individuals and businesses

Ward Williams have put together a dedicated website area for all the information you need on the latest individual and business support there is available from the government.  Please visit Coronavirus Business Updates for more information.

If you have any comments or questions. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of Ward Williams.

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