Creative UK Digital Book available to download now!

A silhouette of a person standing beneath a vibrant, multicolored starry night sky with the Milky Way visible

We are pleased to announce that our commissioned E-Book, Creative UK, is now available for download!

We worked with a number of great creatives to bring this together, and have shared a few of the interviews as blogs over the past year; The Imagination Factory, Chaos, Picnic and Huddle to name a few. All this knowledge is now available in one place and can be downloaded here.

British Creativity in High Demand Worldwide

Much is made of the future of this country as being dependent on being a knowledge-based economy, but actually, the real prospects are to be found not just in developing technology (often swept away by overseas interests) but in creativity.

There’s empirical evidence. British designers are in demand worldwide, and UK creative companies are involved in prestigious, innovative work across the globe.

The creative industries generate some £8billion of value to the UK, according to a government statistic, and are an intrinsic part of the knowledge-based economy which the country needs to continue to develop. 

WardWilliams Creative commissioned a series of interviews to take a closer look at those who see creativity as more than the generation and commercialisation of ideas, knowledge and information. These are businesses which are also innovators, in terms of ‘product’ and modus operandi for example, and are constantly pushing the boundaries.

The digital book commissioned examines the core characteristics of a creative company, and considers what would encourage more creative businesses to set up, and then develop and prosper.

Creative UK download

And how as a nation, we can encourage creativity. We released some of these interviews as separate blogs over the past year but you can now download the full e-book here. We’d love to hear your thoughts and start the conversation!

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