Kickstart Scheme: 3 HMRC Guidance Tips You Need To Know

People working in a busy design studio

Updated 2nd September 2020

The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.

The government has introduced a new Kickstart Scheme in Great Britain, a £2 billion fund to create hundreds of thousands of high quality 6-month work placements aimed at those aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit and are deemed to be at risk of long term unemployment.

Funding available for each job will cover 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions.

Guidance about the Kickstart Scheme for employers

Check if you can apply for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme

Check if you can apply for a grant as a representative of a group of employers through the Kickstart Scheme

Apply for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme

If you would like any further information on the above. Please get in touch with a member of WardWilliams Creative.

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