Guest Blog: Get Creatively Unstuck with the A-Z of Procrastination-Busting Ideas

So its January, a new year to start afresh and get on with all the great ideas you have been thinking about over the Christmas break. Just one problem….. you cannot get yourself started. Well fear not, Life Coach Karen Conway from Kourou coaching is here to get your brain focused, read on and start 2015 with some serious doing!

Get Creatively Unstuck with the A-Z of Procrastination-Busting Ideas


Commit to specific times and book appointments with yourself in your diary (ideally online with set reminders!) to complete specific set tasks.


Plan at least a week ahead to check your schedule features all you need for a balanced happy week. Does it include enough fun, rest and physical activity – not just work?


Enjoy the completion of each step and milestone along the way as you make progress. Success needn’t mean waiting for the ultimate destination to feel fantastic.


Instead of feeling like you’re facing a huge mountain, start with small but consistent steps – gradually building confidence to get you to the finishing line.


Try different environments to work in and ways of approaching your project or task – as well as the people you surround yourself with.


Acknowledge all the costs and consequences that continuing to procrastinate will have on you and your life. You can then consciously choose what to do next.


Make your goals super specific so you’re crystal clear on the end result you’re aiming for. This will keep you focused and on track with realistic expectations.


Check to see what energy-draining behaviours, activities and people you have in your life. Be assertive and replace them with energy-feeding alternatives instead.


Get clear on your values (what’s really important) and passions (what you really love) to guide you towards those ‘wants’ and steer you away from those ‘shoulds’.


Create a written habit to set clear intentions for the day ahead and to reflect on progress. When feeling stuck it will serve to remind you how far you’ve already come.


Impatience might come easily but isn’t the best form of self-motivation! Cultivating compassionate self-talk not only makes you ‘feel good’ but you’ll also get more done.


Build ‘smart to-do lists’ by only including items you’re avoiding, not the ones you know you’ll do anyway. Then set deadlines with rewards for achievement.


Practice simple techniques, such as taking some time to pay close attention to your breathing. When life gets hectic this will help you to stay grounded and keep things in perspective.


From the food you eat to the thoughts you think – be aware of how your performance is affected by what you are feeding yourself.


Clear the clutter – tangible items as well as entries on your to do list. It will be easier to prioritise and see what you can do that will yield the most worthwhile results.

Play time

Make unpleasant tasks more fun by treating them like a game. Challenge yourself to make even the most dreaded task more exciting!

Quiet time

Eliminate temptation and distraction by setting social-media free blocks of time. Switch off notifications or turn off devices altogether.

be Realistic

Avoid overly ambitious deadlines that lead to unnecessary pressure and stress. Stay true to yourself and go at a pace that feels right for you.


Begin each day with completing what you feel is the hardest or most important task. This will energise you to keep the productive momentum going all day.


Make your intentions public. Share your plans with others and find an accountability buddy who can help you to stay on track when things get tough.


Focus on all the good that will come from you taking that action you’ve been avoiding. Tap into how you will feel once you’re on the way to where you really want to be.


Develop a compelling mental picture of the completed project. If you’re visually strong, you can even create a ‘vision-board’ to help you with brainstorming your ideas.


Make a record of your plans using good old-fashioned pen and paper. Start with the big picture then move into detail by mapping your path from A to B with specific milestones.

eXpertise (bit of a cheat)

Call upon your own strengths and skills (as well as those of others) to help you. Treat the trickier bits as a golden opportunity for you to learn, stretch and grow.

Your own way

It’s a personal journey. Use your intuition and listen to your body to inform best times for you to take action without comparing to how others prefer to work.

get in the Zone

How do you get yourself into the right mind-set? Go for a walk, listen to your favourite of music or sit in that space that inspires you.

If you would like to learn more about How Karen can help you visit her website Kourou coaching or ask me to do an introduction.

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