Light It Red: #wemakeevents campaign on Red Alert by WWCreative

Red alert logo

WardWilliams Creative is supporting the #wemakeevents campaign which is now on Red Alert. 

Our industry continues to be overlooked and we are calling of urgent government support. The live events sector which is worth 100 billion and employs over circa 1,000,000 highly skilled people in the UK, all of whom have had no work for the past four months with little likelihood of restarting properly until Spring 2020.

The campaign is calling on meaningful support from the Government until the industry is allowed to operate in a way that is not limited by social distancing policies including:

  1. Grants – not loans – made available to businesses in the events supply chain.
  2. Furlough scheme extended until the industry is back to work
  3. Extension of the self-employment scheme, tailored towards the industry.

The #LightItInRed campaign lit up over 700 hundred iconic buildings in red across the country.

Thank you to each and everyone one of you that pushed a flight case, wore red, rigged a light, organised projection, managed people, held a red light, wrote to your mp, explained why we are campaigning to everyone you met, shared the message on social media and called in all your favours again!

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