November News: £40m investment boost to creative industries

Business hand shake

Creative Industries get £40m investment boost

Individuals and arts organisations will have the chance to pitch for investments of between £500k and £5m as part of a new fund for the creative industries. Launched by Edge Investments, and backed by £26m from the Government’s British Business Bank and £14m from private sources, the fund intends to address the “funding drought” in the creative industries by investing in fast-growing and revenue-generating small and medium size creative companies which look to scale.

Creative Cooking

Entrepreneur Iqbal Wahhab calls on the government to view food as a creative industry rather than where it currently sits – with farming, in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Could your computer go to college?

Artificial Intelligence Program Passes College Entrance Exam! AI is now smart enough to be accepted into most Japanese universities.

When is a word not a word?

Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2015 is…

For the first time ever, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year is a pictograph…thoughts?

And finally, we will be unveiling our new Ward Williams Creative website (hopefully) in time for Christmas.  We can’t wait to show you, there will be a link next month, as well as early reminders for your Tax Returns!

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