Thinking about social enterprise

The existence of social enterprises (SE) is no surprise, I have come across them in various stages in my life in both professional and personal situations but since I have specialised and focused on the creative industries I can see the massive link between the two. More and more of my clients, both business and individuals are in some way involved or associated with a social enterprise, charity or general ‘positive development’ project.

I wonder if being a creative person at heart leads you to do more things and follow more paths that eventually push you towards becoming or getting involved with a social enterprise?

Or, possibly social enterprises are finding more creative ways to engage and deliver on their goals and so they seek out creative individuals and businesses, who then get involved?

Either way, in a world where everyone is obsessed with possessions, money and image, I find it very reassuring that the number of individuals putting effort into projects which essentially benefit someone other than themselves, is on the rise. Especially in one of the sectors of the economy which is growing the fastest.

There is a lot more help and support out there now if you are starting a social enterprise or need funding for such a venture. If you are working on a project that you think may fall into the remit of social enterprise then Social Enterprise UK might be a good place to start.

Many people tell me they work really hard at their job, but even when they make good money they often feel dissatisfied with life or their achievements. Those who are involved in projects that have a charitable or social link don’t say those things to me….. maybe that is where the pay off is. The peace of mind and satisfaction that you get from knowing you are helping someone or enhancing someone’s life, albeit unquantifiable – must be good food for the soul?

I am glad to be apart of such things.


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