Creative Events

There are always networking events on, but I do like to attend the ones which are specific to the creative industries. On Tuesday just gone (1st July) was Cr8net 2014.

If you didn’t make it, here is a quick summary:


  • Some interesting topics that are relevant to start ups, and specifically creative companies, with some interesting speakers
  • Some reports were mentioned that might be worth looking at in more detail – such as one on ‘Superfused’ companies. This is where the company has managed to achieve parity between the creative and the tech side of the business and is growing faster as a result
  • Some good general advice (obvious but true):
    • We tend to build something, then try to take it to market. But it’s usually best to do it the other way round… starting with the customer, make something to meet their needs
    • In the Arts, especially, people are uncomfortable with making money. But if you have made the move from hobby to full time occupation, you need to make a profit to make it worthwhile and allow you to continue – so get over it and start earning!
  • Some of the main funding and mentoring issues discussed were:
    • either people cannot find funding, (something I hear about all the time) or
    • people find an abundance and don’t know, where to start or, which is most relevant for them
    • lots of the start up loans and grants are for young people – which excludes a massive group of people
    • Business plans are hard work but essential, made harder for a lot of creatives as many are dyslexic, should be other options available.

There were good networking opportunities with some known faces like Creative Industry Finance and some new ones like MeWe 360 and School for Creative Start-Ups.


  • It was billed as the ‘Premier Creative Industry Conference’ and there was lots of good conversation about issues facing the Creative Industries. However, since there were no policy makers or government representative present, I ‘m not sure how any action could follow. It made the conversation feel a bit pointless, if, after the event there is no follow up or action taken? But obviously that’s just my view
  • As with most creative events – it was a bit disorganised and rough round the edges… perhaps on purpose?
  • And the tickets were a tad expensive!

Other events – Silicon Drinkabouts, a 3 beards event

I joined a couple of these last year and had mixed experiences, but I keep hearing good things so I have decided to try again… I will keep you posted.. let me know if you are going and to which one – so I can say Hi!

And finally… It’s a bit of a way off yet, but tickets are now available for the Wedding Academy with Flourish and Prosper. Check out the speakers line up! That’s all I’m saying!


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