IR35 Off Worker Tax Delay: What It Means for Contractors

A woman in a scarf is operating a video camera on a tripod, while two other people are visible in the background

The Government has announced it will delay the roll-out of new IR35 Off-Payroll Tax rules for 12 months. This announced by the chief secretary to the Treasury, Steve Barclay, in the House of Commons on 17 March 2020.

The decision appears to have taken following “significant pressure” from campaigners and contractors.

There had been representations to the Government warning  of  the inevitable loss of work due to Covid-19 for those contractors deemed ‘inside IR35’ and effectively forcing many into ‘zero rights employment’.

Although the Government has stated its intention to legislate in April 2021, contractors, clients and industry stakeholders will welcome the announcement so that greater consideration can be given to the “ill-considered measures”.

Erin Walls, WardWilliams Creatives said that she was very pleased to see that the Government had delayed the potentially damaging IR35 Off-Payroll Tax roll-out for a year and hoped that large and medium sized ‘End users’ would take note and act accordingly.

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